A new Future Labs program has been launched at all nine Beaverton Middle Schools, in Oregon. The program features our College & Career Ready Labs and gives students hands-on experience in a wide range of careers. The goal is to engage and broaden the conversation around post-secondary success.
"By experiencing careers and understanding the educational requirements to pursue them, students are in a better position to plan for their future.
Some of the careers require advanced degrees and some only require experience. There is no one-size-fits-all."
Nate Schuessler Paxton/Patterson CEO
We believe having a choice is key. Students can select from a variety of areas including: STEM, Health Science, Manufacturing, Construction, AV Technology, or Agriculture; to name just a few. All of which have opportunities for students to get ahead by taking the next level courses at a high school in the district.
"I can’t say enough about the leadership at Beaverton School District and their focus and passion for helping students,” said Schuessler.

According to G Douglas Bundy, a Future Labs teacher, "We like to broaden the picture of what success looks like after high school.
Each activity is a 10-hour deep dive that students self-direct through with a partner, with lots of hands-on engagement. Things like: Structural Engineering, there's Engine Repair, Architectural Drafting, Culinary Arts, it's kind of a wide gamut.”
Bundy said for decades emphasis on CTE (Career Technical Education), has taken a back seat with parents, and educators often pushing students toward a four-year college education.
“I think we are all part of a very well-intentioned effort to give our kids success, and the narrative for a long time has been a prestigious four-year university, right out of the gate.
But college isn’t the right fit for everyone."
G Douglas Bundy Future Labs Teacher
This educational format opens up a world of possibilities for kids instead of employing a one-size-fits-all approach.
“The goal of this experience is just to figure out, do you like that thing over there,” explained Bundy. “We’re giving them permission to explore something that either they didn't even know existed or maybe they never thought was for them.”
Information provided by:
Christine Pitawanich KGW8 News
Portland, Oregon